Friday 18 September 2015

Revival by Stephen King

Everything is light as a feather these days. You can buy Coca-Cola Light, Marlboro Lights and Budweiser Light; but this one is a new one. Stephen King Light.

It's not up there with my favourite King books like The Stand, Bag of Bones, Misery and The Shining but neither is it down there with my least favourites. It's nowhere near as boring as The Girl Who Loved Tom Gordon or Rose Madder or the house brick that was Under The Dome.

But it is Stephen King Light. It's not that scary. It's not that gripping. It lacks that terrifying but funny quirkiness that I love about King. But having said that it is a slow burner and a decent read. There are only two real scary bits in this book and the best one is found in the penultimate chapter. And it's a good one. Stephen King at his best. It's a pity the rest of the book couldn't have been so scary!

This is a real slow burner and if you stick with it, it's an average but decent read. Just not his best.


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